Website Redesign

Sunshine Renewables, Nova Scotia's leading heat pump installation company, approached us to redesign their website. Along with a modernized design to better reflect the company's brand and improved user experience, it was important to maintain their existing integration with Jobber for lead management.

Integrating with APIs

Utilizing Jobber's API documentation, our developers created a lead-capturing form that integrated with Jobber. By setting up authentication, creating endpoints, and handling data validation, submissions from the form are sent to Jobber to automate the creation of new customers.

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Building Lasting Partnerships

Our partnership with Sunshine Renewables has flourished with continuous collaboration, resulting in additional design refreshes, navigation updates, and the integration of new features to enhance user experience over the years. We also had the opportunity to design a second website for their venture, Suites and Retreats, demonstrating the trust and satisfaction Sunshine Renewables places in our services.

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